Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Mesics

Our daughter, Laura Anne Mesics, was born at the Good Samaritan Hospital on August 9, 1962. She attended school in the Cornwall Lebanon School District, and graduated from Cedar Crest High School in 1980. Laura moved to Andover, Massachusetts with us in 1982. She attended Kathryn Gibbs School and worked in Boston doing property management, where she met her husband in 1988. Laura and Paul May were married in November, 1988, in Brookline, MA. From 1989 to 2000 she gave us four beautiful grandchildren, Molly Joan, Paul Francis III, John Joseph and Matthew James. She played tennis in high school, and won her varsity letter as a sophomore. Laura was an excellent skier and spent many ski weeks with the Lebanon Ski Club and her father on trips out West, becoming a good friend of the Ski Club. Laura was a devoted Mother, caring greatly and first about the health and education of all four of her children. She was often like the Pied Piper with them, taking them on fun journeys and acting like their big sister. Her death on Christmas day in 2008 left Paul, their four children, her Grandmother, us and the extended family, devastated. But we have bravely carried on despite our great loss. Paul has stepped up to the plate and batted 1.000 with their four children. We are very proud of them all and blessed to have had Laura for forty-six years.